5 February 2020
Rendez-vous on Teatralnaya square
The Ryazan drama theater has opened a call for the V International theatre festival "Rendez-vous on Teatralnaya square" from 16 to 22 November 2020.
27 December 2019
Volchek dies at 86
A prominent Russian theatre director Galina Volchek has died at the age of 86, the press service of the Sovremennik Theatre said. -
20 December 2019
Document choreography
The new channel “It hurts. Ballet” where Moscow artists create plastic performances based on current news is opened on YouTube. -
16 December 2019
The first Hamlet in Russia
New artistic director of the Moscow Theatre «Man» Vladimir Skvortsov released the premiere of "Hamlet" translation by Alexander Sumarokov written in 1748. -
11 December 2019
Theatre on Facebook
The company Facebook has released a “Guide to the Theatre World of Russia” which collects recommendations from five communities writing about theatre. -
6 December 2019
The Bashkir State Academic Drama Theatre Mazhit Gafuri celebrated its 100 years anniversary. -
2 December 2019
Once again about love
The IV International Festival of Love Performances “Dating at the Theatre” was lasted ten days in Ryazan and held on the stage of the Ryazan Drama Theatre. -
29 November 2019
Gatsalov after Currentzis
Marat Gatsalov will head the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre at the beginning of December. The post of artistic director was occupied by Theodor Currentzis earlier. -
26 November 2019
Virtual trip to Russian theatre
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has praised a number of projects, including Theatre Day. -
18 November 2019
Yuri Lyubimov Award
The Yuri Lyubimov International Theatre Award was presented last Saturday to the prominent Japanese director Tadashi Suzuki at the Alexandrinsky Theatre. -
26 October 2019
"Romeo and Juliet" move to Hainan
The Bolshoi Theater troupe will present the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" as part of the World Ballet Week, held on the tropical island of Hainan. -
10 October 2019
Let's go to Estonia
The Meyerhold Center launches the new festival POEHALi!, which has the subtitle “touring” and aims to facilitate an exchange of performances among independent theatres in the world. -
1 October 2019
Theatre Against Garbage
“Go in peace” is the name of the international documentary about the history and philosophy of garbage disposal, work on which began at the Yeltsin Center. -
24 September 2019
Need new forms
The Russian Youth Theatre (RAMT) will celebrate the hundredth anniversary this year – just about time to start the search for new forms. -
18 September 2019
World anniversaries
The two largest partners of the International Theatre Institute – the International Music Council IMC-CIM and the Internationale de la Marionnette – celebrate their anniversaries this year. -
10 September 2019
City and theatre
On September 27, the Ryazan drama releases another premiere, also an international project – “Cross the Sea” based on Carlo Collodi's fairy tale “Pinocchio”. -
6 September 2019
Chiaroscuro Theatre
The Bakhrushin museum hosts an exhibition of works by the stage designe, the winner of the Golden Mask and the Prague Quadrennial Stepan Zohrabyan, Black and White Theatre. -
1 September 2019
Critic changes profession
At the Higher School of Performing Arts, a fundamentally new faculty of Theatre Studies and Dramaturgy has opened. -
29 August 2019
Currentzis moved to Petersburg
Starting from the new season the famous conductor Theodor Currentzis and the MusicAeterna orchestra will work in Saint Petersburg. -
30 May 2019
Europe is lost
“The Tempest” directed by Jette Stekel (Talia Theatre, Hamburg) was on at Chekhov Festival